Siren Head

In 1986 there was a surge in the number of people entering the Himalayan mountains, and never leaving. Those who did escape reported hearing a loud ringing alarm, so loud they had to cover their ears and run, and even then suffered severe or complete hearing loss. They may not have known it at the time, but they had just come into contact with Siren Head.

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Samodiva: The Bulgarian Siren

Samodiva is the siren of Bulgarian folklore. Also known as samovila, vila, or samodivi, her name, formed by combining the words ‘samo’ and ‘diva’ ultimately translates to ‘wild alone,’ which describes her general nature. The word ‘diva’ can also be translated to divine, which lends itself to the belief that samodivas are the daughters of the Thracian goddess Bendis. (Bendis is associated with hunting and is often accompanied by dancing satyrs and maenads.)

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Emilie Sagee and her Doppelganger

Doppelganger (dop·pel·gäng·er/ˈdäpəlˌɡaNGər/): an apparition or double of a living person.
Not to be mistaken with an identical twin, a doppelganger is an unexplained phenomena where you have a double of no direct relation. This double can be human, or apparition in nature, but is both unusual and creepy. Unlike Elena and Katherine from The Vampire Diaries, the tale of Emilie Sagee and her doppelganger may have some truth to it.

Vampire Diaries
Emilie Sagee
Elena and Katherine – The Vampire Diaries
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The Mummy’s Curse

The dream for any archaeologist is to find something that will change history forever. Remnants of ancient civilizations can change how we view the past. Relics can open our eyes to the beauty of the world. And while most who do this work are in it for the love of history, and ancient culture, there are some that just want that treasure. In some of those cases, fail-safes have been put in place, such as the mummy’s curse.

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Saved by the Bell: Buried Alive

Saved by the Bell is more than just a 90’s teen television series. It is an expression given to those who were buried alive, and were fortunate enough to have a safety coffin; a coffin with a line that ran up to the surface with a bell attached. When you pulled the line, the bell would ring, and you would be dug up and rescued.

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