Talking to God; The Gateway of the Mind

What if you could talk to God? Not through prayer, but through thought? Where you would be able to converse directly, and receive direct answers. One group of scientists believed it was possible and set out to do just that. They were going to open the gateway of the mind.

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The Elusive Chupacabra

When I hear about the chupacabra, I immediately think of some ancient, mysterious, creature. I think of things like Acheri, or Walking Sam – myths and legends that are hundreds of years old. In reality, the chupacabra isn’t that old, with its first sightings being in the 1970’s. Where did this creature come from and what does it want?

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This Is Lisa, a Girl’s Imaginary Friend

Imaginary Friends are a psychological and social phenomenon where a friendship takes place in the imagination rather in physical reality. To the person, usually a child, the friend is real, and they often get frustrated when others can’t see their friend. Often, as they grow older, children lose their imaginary friends, whether that friend leaves, or is simply forgotten over time, we may never know. For one little girl, she shared her imaginary friend with the world when she first wrote, “This is Lisa.”

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A Baby Cries in the Sensabaugh Tunnel

Imagine taking a late night drive. You come upon a tunnel in desperate need of repair; cracks are visible in the cement and graffiti is everywhere. Regardless, you choose to drive through, but your car suddenly dies. You try to restart it, but it won’t turn over. Glancing into your rearview mirror you see the shadow of a woman in your back seat. This is just one possibility of what could happen if you drive through the Sensabaugh Tunnel.

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The Hands Resist Him, a Haunted Painting

There, on the wall, hung a well crafted painting of a young boy and girl, standing in front of a glass paneled door. It’s a lovely work of art, yet the more you look at it, the more you feel uneasy. Then, the painting appeared to come to life; the boy and girl would fight during the night, and eventually the boy would escape the painting and enter the room where it hung. The painting is titled, “The Hands Resist Him,” a work by artist Bill Stoneham.

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The Odessa Catacombs and the Legend of Masha

When we think of catacombs, we think of underground tunnels and chambers, locations where bodies were stored in lieu of a cemetery. Perhaps the most popular of catacombs is beneath the city of Paris, France. There you will find the skeletal remains of more than 6 million people. What you may not know, is that the largest catacomb system in the world is the Odessa Catacombs in Ukraine. There you will find the legend of Masha.

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The legend of Tenome

There was once a blind old man. One night, he was viciously attacked by a band of robbers. Unable to see an escape, or even defend himself, he was left for dead in the middle of a field. Angry, he cried out in frustration, “If only I had seen their faces! But my eyes can’t see! If only I had eyes on the palms of my hands!” This is the origin of Tenome.

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