The Human Zoo

Zoo; noun: an establishment that maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens, for study, conservation, or display to the public.

Zoos are not a foreign idea. Back in 2400 B.C, Shulgi, the ruler of Ur (which is now known as South-East Iraq), had a collection of animals. Although it was not a public zoo, it set the standard for years to come. The first zoos were created as private collections known as menageries, by the wealthy to demonstrate their power.

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Amerithrax – The 2001 Anthrax Attacks

Robert Stevens

October 2, 2001, Robert Stevens, a photojournalist for the Sun, returned home from a visit to North Carolina. He was exhibiting symptoms of the flu, but when he went to the hospital, doctors admitted him, believing he had developed meningitis. Further testing proved that he had developed pulmonary anthrax, confirmed by the CDC. Robert Stevens died on October 5, 2001, making him the first victim of the 2001 anthrax attack, and the first death from anthrax in 25 years.

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May Day Conspiracy

May 1, 1981, an ad was placed in the Arizona Daily Wildcat newspaper, a paper produced by students at the University of Arizona. This ad was cryptic, a cipher of sorts, but so simple and plain, that no one really paid it any attention. Ads continued to be published in the Daily Wildcat, every year on May 1 (or nearest weekday as the paper did not run on weekends), and a few random times throughout the year.

May Day ad, May 1, 1981

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Nathan Dunlap and Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria

On the day of December 14, 1993, in Aurora, Colorado, there was a shooting that killed four people, and severely injured one.

Have you ever heard of the game Five Nights at Freddy’s? The game where you’re looking at cameras and avoiding animatronics from 12:00 AM until 6:00 AM? Well, it’s not all fun and games, unfortunately.

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Heaven’s Gate Cult

On the evening of March 19, 1997, thirty-eight members plus the leader of Heaven’s Gate took phenobarbital mixed with applesauce, then washed it down with vodka. They secured plastic bags around their heads to induce asphyxiation before lying down on their bunks and covering their faces and torsos with a square purple cloth. Their decomposing bodies were discovered on March 26, 1997.

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Revelation 12 and the Tribulation

On September 23, 2017, a very rare astrological event will occur, one that only happens every 7,000 years. The sun will be in the constellation, Virgo along with the moon near Virgo’s feet. Jupiter, too, will be in Virgo while the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury will be above and to the right of Virgo in the constellation Leo. This astronomical alignment will occur directly over Jerusalem.

What does this mean?

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JonBenét Ramsey: Sacrifice for the Illuminati?

Many have heard of American child beauty pageant queen, JonBenét Ramsey. At just age 6, she was a star. But she wouldn’t live to see her 7th birthday.

On the night of December 25 – 26, 1996, JonBenét was found dead in her family’s home in Boulder, Colorado. A lengthy ransom note was found in the house, and her father, John Ramsey, found her body in the basement of their house approximately eight hours after she had been reported missing.

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