Alexander Spesivtsev, the Siberian Ripper

Relationships are hard. When they don’t work out like we expect, or hope, them to, it’s usually best to cut ties and move on. That’s what the girlfriend of Alexander Spesivtsev tried to do, but he wasn’t so amenable. After the breakup, he decided to kidnap her, lock her in his flat and torture her for three weeks.

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What Happened on Dyatlov Pass

Late January, 1959, a group of 10 skiers set out on an expedition across the northern Urals in Sverdlovsk Oblast, in what was the Soviet Union, now Russia. One member turned back partway through the trip due to illness. The remaining 9 continued forth, but what happened next remains to be understood. This is the mystery of Dyatlov Pass.

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Tamara Samsonova is the Granny Ripper

July 26, 2015, dogs sniffed out the remains of 79 year old Valentina Ulanova at an apartment building in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, Russia. Her body had been decapitated and spread out across seven different garbage bags. CCTV and blood trails on the floor of the apartment building led police to the door of 68 year old Tamara Samsonova, who had been working as a caregiver for Mrs. Ulanova.

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