The Ouija Board and ZOZO

You’re at a friends house, having a little fun. Then someone pulls out a Ouja board and asks if you want to play. You say, “Yeah, sure,” thinking it’s all fun and games. You and your friends sit on the floor, making a circle around the board; two fingers on the planchette. You get started, and as you sit there, trying not to laugh at how absurd this is, the planchette begins to move. But you’re not doing it, so someone else is. You look around the circle at everyone. “Who’s doing that,” you ask, and everyone remains quiet. The planchette begins moving faster and faster, around in a figure-8, before stopping abruptly. Your heart is racing, and you’re telling yourself this is all just a game, it’s not real, but it’s not over yet. The planchette starts moving again, this time stopping on the letters Z-O-Z-O. ZOZO, what’s that?

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